Will a Composite Filling Work for Your Cavity?

You may not normally think about the mechanics of your mouth, but it is worth noting that your bite can produce a great deal of pressure. Not as much as a Great White Shark, but you still put a great deal of force into your bite. But not all teeth receive the same amount of pressure when you bite or... read more »

The Facts of Oral Hygiene: Fluoride

Do you feel like your oral health care is not as effective as it could be? Luckily, there are plenty of treatments available to increase your intake of fluoride should you feel the need to up your dosage in hopes of better oral health care. Within toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride is frequently added to enhance the effects of the product... read more »

CEREC® Dental Crowns Can Be Designed and Placed in a Single Day

CEREC® dental crowns use state-of-the-art computer technology to take your dental impression of an ailing tooth and with the help of our team at Family & Implant Dentistry, design, mill, and place your crown all in the period of an afternoon. The need for an often uncomfortable and ill-fitting temporary crown placement is no longer necessary. In addition, CEREC crowns... read more »

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