Did you know that composite fillings are tooth-colored in appearance and can drastically improve your smile by filling in cavities? It's true! Composite fillings are also highly recommended for protecting your smile from the risks of future cavities to enhance your smile. Cosmetic fillings are designed to improve your smile in several ways. Listed below are frequent questions asked concerning... read more »
The holiday season brings with it plenty of joys. However, numerous oral health risks are also present. Make sure you do everything you can to protect your smile from the dangers that can arise this holiday season, including sugary hazards that are present. If you fail to take care of your mouth properly, dental erosion can occur to the point... read more »
You may not normally think about the mechanics of your mouth, but it is worth noting that your bite can produce a great deal of pressure. Not as much as a Great White Shark, but you still put a great deal of force into your bite. But not all teeth receive the same amount of pressure when you bite or... read more »