As a dental filling ages, it’s bond with the surrounding tooth enamel may degrade. This process can be accelerated by poor oral hygiene conditions in the mouth. Additionally, large dental fillings and dental fillings on the biting surface of a tooth sometimes fail sooner than smaller fillings. If you have a problem with a dental filling, you might notice the... read more »
If you break the term orofacial apart, you can easily see that it is any pain that it is composed of oral and facial – that is, any pain of the face and mouth. This is not an unusual problem. In fact, 22% of U.S. residents reported having some kind of orofacial pain during a period of six months. The... read more »
Do you have tooth decay that needs to be repaired? Our team of dentists may recommend a dental filling in Manhattan, Kansas, to restore your tooth. Our dentists will remove the decay and then fill the area with the dental filling material. Does dental insurance cover the cost of composite fillings? Most dental insurance plans will cover the cost of... read more »