Sugarless Gum Can Help Prevent Cavities

It may come as a surprise to hear that chewing sugarless come can help prevent tooth decay. It’s true! Studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes can help prevent cavities. How does chewing gum help? The flow of saliva is increased when you chew sugarless gum. The saliva then washes away food and debris. It also neutralizes... read more »

Changes in Floss Over Time

Our dentists and team stress the importance of flossing daily. According to the ADA, only 12 percent of Americans floss every day. Despite this low percentage, the flossing concept isn’t a new one. Evidence suggests that interdental cleaning has been practiced since Prehistoric times. Researchers have found evidence of floss use in prehistoric times. Archeologists have found evidence that Neanderthals... read more »

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