Antiseptic Mouthwash Can Help Kill Additional Oral Bacteria

The American Dental Association advocates a consistent oral hygiene routine to help remove bacterial matter before it can contribute to oral health problems like tooth decay and periodontal disease. This is based on a daily focus of brushing your teeth each morning and night, as well as remembering to thoroughly floss at least once each day. When your brush it... read more »

Did You Know That Genetics Can Impact Your Teeth?

Would you be surprised to hear that there are several things you’ll have to do if you’d like to enjoy a healthy smile? For example, you may have been told that brushing and flossing are very important, but did you know that your genetic predisposition can also impact your oral health? In other words, regardless of the care you give your... read more »

Things to Consider When Taking Care of Your Temporary Crown

The temporary crown Dr. Josh Walker installed during the initial crown procedure is little more than a hard plastic cap designed to protect the abutment within. It is only meant to last for a short time, while you wait for the dental lab to complete your permanent crown. The temporary crown does not fully restore the full function of the... read more »

Identifying the Reasons for Your Bleeding Gums

If your gums tend to bleed every time you eat, brush your teeth, or simply chew gum, you may be suffering from a serious problem and it should not be ignored. Bleeding gums can be a side effect of one or more of the following problems: • Gingivitis: Gingivitis is a dangerous disease that causes your gums to swell and... read more »

Fresh Breath and a Healthier Smile

When you are taking good care of your oral health with daily teeth brushing and flossing, you might think that is all you need to do. But a simple use of a mouth rinse after your routine can help your pearly whites in several ways. Mouthwashes, depending on their ingredients, can help prevent gum disease, reduce cavities, make a canker... read more »

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