Do you feel like your oral health care is not as effective as it could be? Luckily, there are plenty of treatments available to increase your intake of fluoride should you feel the need to up your dosage in hopes of better oral health care. Within toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride is frequently added to enhance the effects of the product... read more »
What do you do when your teeth are causing you pain? If the problem doesn’t go away, we recommend seeing your dentist as soon as possible. If you are experiencing sudden tooth sensitivity or tooth pain, it is always a good time to check in with your dentist. Detecting problems early on helps keep them from becoming worse from requiring more invasive... read more »
Fluoride is a mineral that can greatly benefit your dental health. Fluoride is nature’s cavity fighter, as it helps prevent cavities in patients by strengthening the tooth enamel from acid attacks. It can also reverse early decay. This mineral naturally occurs in many foods and in water. Where Else Can Fluoride Be Found? Dental fluoride can be applied to the... read more »
When you are taking good care of your oral health with daily teeth brushing and flossing, you might think that is all you need to do. But a simple use of a mouth rinse after your routine can help your pearly whites in several ways. Mouthwashes, depending on their ingredients, can help prevent gum disease, reduce cavities, make a canker... read more »