Cavities Can Ruin Mouths, so Prevent Them from Ever Occurring

Cavities can turn even the happiest of smiles bad. They are caused by harmful acids that eat away at our tooth enamel, causing holes to form. The best way to prevent cavities is to attack the source of the cavities. Plaque buildup consists of bacteria that accumulates over time and uses the food we eat, specifically sugar, against us. It... read more »

Is Your Mouth Affected by Alcohol Consumption?

On average, out of every $100 dollars an American spends, one goes to alcohol. While having alcohol isn’t uncommon, did you know that it can cause serious damage to your oral health? In other words, while you have probably heard that red wine will stain your teeth, you could be causing more harm to your teeth. You see, alcoholic beverages... read more »

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