Will a Composite Filling Work for Your Cavity?

You may not normally think about the mechanics of your mouth, but it is worth noting that your bite can produce a great deal of pressure. Not as much as a Great White Shark, but you still put a great deal of force into your bite. But not all teeth receive the same amount of pressure when you bite or... read more »

Did You Know That Genetics Can Impact Your Teeth?

Would you be surprised to hear that there are several things you’ll have to do if you’d like to enjoy a healthy smile? For example, you may have been told that brushing and flossing are very important, but did you know that your genetic predisposition can also impact your oral health? In other words, regardless of the care you give your... read more »

Are You Vulnerable to Cavities?

Did you know that there are people who don’t brush their teeth but still don’t get cavities? Other brush and floss their teeth regularly, but still find themselves fighting tooth decay. Sadly, some people are more vulnerable to cavities than others are, but did you know that you could be more vulnerable to tooth decay because of genetics? For example,... read more »

Dental Fillings Facts

Do you have tooth decay that needs to be repaired? Our team of dentists may recommend a dental filling in Manhattan, Kansas, to restore your tooth. Our dentists will remove the decay and then fill the area with the dental filling material. Does dental insurance cover the cost of composite fillings? Most dental insurance plans will cover the cost of... read more »

Sugarless Gum Can Help Prevent Cavities

It may come as a surprise to hear that chewing sugarless come can help prevent tooth decay. It’s true! Studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes can help prevent cavities. How does chewing gum help? The flow of saliva is increased when you chew sugarless gum. The saliva then washes away food and debris. It also neutralizes... read more »

Facts About Crowns

A dental crown or cap is a tooth-shaped covering that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, appearance, and strength. The dental crown will cover the entire visible portion of the tooth. When might Drs. Hungerford, Witcher, Walker, Snowden, and Philpott recommend a dental crown in Manhattan, Kansas? - To keep a weak tooth from breaking -... read more »

What to Do If Your Teeth Are Causing You Pain

What do you do when your teeth are causing you pain? If the problem doesn’t go away, we recommend seeing your dentist as soon as possible. If you are experiencing sudden tooth sensitivity or tooth pain, it is always a good time to check in with your dentist. Detecting problems early on helps keep them from becoming worse from requiring more invasive... read more »

Find the Best Toothpaste for Your Smile by Looking for these 4 Things

As you search for the best toothpaste for your smile, it is important to look for toothpaste that has the following: American Dental Association Approval Make sure your toothpaste has been approved by the ADA. If it has been approved, it means that it has undergone many evaluations that have tested for safety and effectiveness. Fluoride Minerals are added to... read more »

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